A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall

September 27: Bob Dylan – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Hard Rain & Forever Young, Bologna, Italy 1997 (Video)

Bob Dylan meeting & playing for the Pope - Bologna, Italy - September 27, 1997 - World Eucharistic Congress.

6 years ago

May 22: Bob Dylan The Great Music Experience, Nara, Japan 1994 (video)

  May 22: Bob Dylan The Great Music Experience, Nara, Japan 1994 (video) For the first time ever, Dylan was backed…

8 years ago

December 6: The 7th Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan recording session in 1962

 Freewheelin' in it's released form is essentially a "best of" from one of the most creative years in Dylan's life.…

8 years ago

April 12: Bob Dylan Town Hall, New York 1963

  April 12: Bob Dylan  Town Hall, New York 1963 This ranks high as one of the most important boot…

9 years ago

Video of the day: Mavis Staples – A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall (a cappella)

Mavis Staples began her career with her family group in 1950. Initially singing locally at churches and appearing on a…

9 years ago