Patti Smith

Dec 30: Patti Smith was born in 1946 Happy Birthday

  Patti Smith was born in 1946 To be an artist — actually, to be a human being in these…

10 years ago

Bob Dylan & Patti Smith: 2 Great live versions of Dark Eyes

Dark Eyes got it's live debut in Sydney, Australia - 25 February 1986, but it failed & and is not performed again until…

11 years ago

April 27 in music history

Today: Bob Dylan The 15th Infidels recording session in 1983 (read more) ...I did the album, and I call it that,…

11 years ago

The 20 best concerts of 2012 according to Egil

  I landed @ 45 concerts in 2012... a great year it has been. Here is my list of the…

12 years ago

Today: Patti Smith is 66

Patricia Lee "Patti" Smith (born December 30, 1946) is an American singer-songwriter, poet and visual artist, who became a highly influential component of the New York…

12 years ago