[vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-question”]Who are we here at @ alldylan.com[/vc_message][vc_column_text css_animation=”bounceIn”]We Are Music Enthusiasts.
We don’t write about music we don’t like, we don’t listen to music we don’t like, we don’t attend concerts we don’t like. But we sometimes write about “not so good” music from artists we really like. Most great artists have a diverse body of work, and it’s important to shed a light over different parts of their legacy.
We hope that people will be inspired by the postings and that it motivates them to take a trip to their local record store (or web shop) and buy their albums, their DVDs, read about them in books or magazines and see them in concert whenever possible. Enjoy our posts, say hello, leave comments, share, and check out the fantastic musical past and present.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”AllDylan” color=”primary” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-facebook” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJohannasVisions%2F||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” icon_type=”entypo” css_animation=”fadeIn” icon_entypo=”entypo-icon entypo-icon-user”]Egil Mosbron ([email protected])[/vc_message][vc_row_inner 0=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”24671″ img_size=”400×400″ add_caption=”yes” onclick=”link_image” css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”43245″ img_size=”400×400″ add_caption=”yes” onclick=”link_image” css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]My name is Egil, and I’m an musicoholic. I stash music books in the car, the bathroom, bedroom (under & besides the bed), livingroom, kitchen, travelbag & in the office. I have loads of music on my laptops, ipods, iPad, cellphone, desktops,… I think about music all day long… (even dream it..) To spare my family & friends, I need somewhere to let steam off….This is it!
I love “all kinds” (quote from Elvis Presley) of REAL music.. Folk, Country, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Rock.. even some Rap & Electronica. But most of all I love the music of Bob Dylan. I’ve been in love with Bob Dylan’s music for about twenty-six years, and my experience of and with it becomes richer and more rewarding all the time.
[vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-question”]Egil’s fav artists (and their best album) – revised 09.07.2014[/vc_message][vc_column_text css_animation=”bounceIn”]
* Top 5 is rather “set” (top 1 will be forever). Below that things change all time.. as do fav albums..
- Bob Dylan – Blonde On Blonde
- The Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St.
- Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run
- Van Morrison – Astral Weeks
- Elvis Presley – From Elvis in Memphis
- Neil Young – After The Goldrush
- Muddy Waters – Hard Again (best compilation – The Anthology: 1947-1972)
- The Beatles – Rubber Soul
- Johnny Cash – Johnny Cash at San Quentin
- Jerry Lee Lewis – Live at the Star Club, Hamburg
- Otis Redding – Otis Blue (best compilation – Dreams to Remember: The Otis Redding Anthology)
- Jimi Hendrix – Are You Experienced
- Miles Davis – Kind Of Blue
- Steve Earle – I Feel Alright
- Hank Williams – 40 Greatest Hits
- The Who – Who’s Next
- Kris Kristofferson – The Austin Sessions
- David Bowie – Hunky Dory
- Wilco – A Ghost Is Born
- Aretha Franklin – I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You
- John Coltrane – Blue Train
- Tom Waits – Rain Dogs
- The Drive-by Truckers – Southern Rock Opera
- Townes Van Zandt – Live at the Old Quarter, Houston, Texas
- Chuck Berry – The Ultimate Chuck Berry
- The Clash – London Calling
[/vc_column_text][vc_message]And the 20 best albums ever:[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][vc_column_text]
- Bob Dylan – Blonde On Blonde
- Bob Dylan – Blood On The Tracks
- Bob Dylan – Highway 61 Revisited
- The Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St.
- Bob Dylan – Bringing It All Back Home
- Van Morrison – Astral Weeks
- Elvis Presley – From Elvis in Memphis
- Neil Young – After The Goldrush
- Hank Williams – 40 Greatest Hits
- Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run
- Bob Dylan – Desire
- The Rolling Stones – Sticky Fingers
- The Beatles – Rubber Soul
- Jerry Lee Lewis – Live at the Star Club, Hamburg
- Bob Dylan – The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan
- Jimi Hendrix – Are You Experienced
- Miles Davis – Kind Of Blue
- Bruce Springsteen – Darkness On The Edge Of Town
- Van Morrison – Moondance
- The Band, The Band
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-link”]Other places to check out:
- Carpe Diem 101 (my place for non-music related interests)
- Borntolisten.com (the evil twin of alldylan.com)
[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Alldylan / borntolisten @ Facebook” color=”blue” size=”lg” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-facebook-official” css_animation=”bounceInRight” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJohannasVisions%2F||target:%20_blank|”][vc_message icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-user”]Hallgeir Olsen ([email protected])[/vc_message][vc_single_image image=”52932″ img_size=”500×500″ css_animation=”rollIn”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Why so serious?
Well, this is a serious matter… These are my chosen records, the list is dynamic. That means that it changes from day to day. The top 10 is fairly constant, but they switch places.
My lists are always snapshots of my mind on a particular moment. I am working on a list for concert albums, the list below would have been a bit different if we hadd allowed live albums to be included.
- The Rolling Stones – Exile on Main st. (Spotify)
- Bruce Springsteen – Darkness on the edge of town (Spotify)
- Bob Dylan – Blood on the tracks (Spotify)
- The Beatles – Abbey Road
- Wilco – Summerteeth (Spotify)
- The Clash – London Calling (Spotify)
- David Bowie – Hunky Dory (Spotify)
- Van Morrison – Astral Weeks (Spotify)
- Neil Young – After the Goldrush (Spotify)
- Steve Earle – El Corazon (Spotify)
- Hank Williams – 40 Greatest Hits (Spotify)
- Elvis Presley – From Elvis in Memphis (Spotify)
- Townes Van Zandt – Townes Van Zandt (Spotify)
- The Replacements – Let it be (Spotify)
- Johnny Cash – At Folsom Prison (Spotify)
- Tom Waits – Rain Dogs (Spotify)
- Drive-by Truckers – Southern Rock Opera (Spotify)
- Aretha Franklin – Spirit in the dark (Spotify)
- Ryan Adams – Gold (Spotify)
- Patti Smith – Easter (Spotify)
- Miles Davis – Kind of blue (Spotify)
- Emmylou Harris – Wrecking Ball (Spotify)
- Nick Cave – The Boatman’s Call (Spotify)
- George Jones – I am what I am (Spotify)
- My Morning Jacket – Circuital (Spotify)
- Paul Weller – Stanley Road (Spotify)
I like that you have “Exile on Main Street” up there. Those are good lists. I agree. There is an obscure tune I am searching for. I found a short passage from it that runs about 75 seconds. I am hoping to find a source with the whole work in its entirety. The short piece is in a film called “Boxcar Bertha” which is currently on the website “tubi.” It begins at the ten minute twenty second mark. It is not named in the music credits. All the credits say is that the music is from Gib Guilbeau and Thad Maxwell who were a couple of Flying Burrito Brothers, among other groups. It is a rich passage of guitar work, unnamed, and maybe lost. If anyone knows of the rest of it, please share the source.
It’s good to see a post from All Dylan. On April 13th, this year of 2019 I turned 85 and I’m still alive. Lately I’ve been doing more videos of Bobby’s songs and also Leonard Cohen’s great music Here’s a couple of samples for you to peruse. both produced completely from scratch in The Shedd Studio in Grand Junction, Colorado. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQPLvigyZ44
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_yz98VRaQY
I really appreciate your comments. I’m an old troubadour still alive and singing at 85. I was fortunate to have been a friend of Bobby in the early 1960’s in Greenwich Village, NYC. I did get mentioned in several books about those early days but mostly for the last 60 years I’ve been occupying space as one of those voices still “blowing in the wind.” Here’s a video I made that tells the story of how I first heard him sing “Tomorrow is a long Time” back in 1962. I hope you enjoy it.
I must say; if chosen music any sort of an indicator of the folks in these parts – then there surely be all sorts of simply way too cool and over the moon people.Thank you for the hospitality.
May you and yours be well the blessings of Jesus our Savior be ever abundant upon you and yours.
Please be certain that I mean no respect re the following. Kindly be cognizant that many many folks exactly as my situation do not nor will they ever have a presence social media be it Facebook or any other. Many of these folks sort of being lost in the shuffle and their varied talents knowledge and desire to participate left to just either and blow away in the winds. Truly a genuine loss. Thank you for allowing the unfettered opportunity to share thoughts.
MFF offers a newly expanded version of our homage to BOB DYLAN’s GOSPEL YEARS. We have just added a 7th playlist, & more than 4 dozen new items – including many more songs, more great full concerts, & insightful articles. Check out BORN AGAIN BROTHA BOB REDUX, at this link:
Here’s an updated Dylan post from a Facebook page I moderate. You are welcome to share it with your audience.
Here’s a recent post from a Facebook arts page I moderate. Feel free to repost it to your audience.
BOB DYLAN’s career underwent an extraordinary shift several decades ago, when this truly legendary performer turned all his talent toward expressing his newfound faith in Christ. Multi Facet Fables pays tribute to his recent TROUBLE NO MORE box set, exploring one of the most amazing phases of his career. This post has just been considerably expanded, with more than 30 new songs – including a dozen great concert videos. Click here for BORN AGAIN BOB DELUXE REDUX: https://www.facebook.com/Aeon999/photos/a.163268977156717.38176.163265400490408/827980754018866/
You may be interested in http://thebobdylanproject.com/ Lift the lid on Bob Dylan’s Music Box and listen to every version of every song. We are linking to your website. Join us now.
Hi: I subscribed to your blog a few months ago. the emails are interesting but it’s a lot of emails- is there a way to get a daily digest (as yahoo groups does) or weekly email digest ? or an option to limit the emails I receive to Bob dylan related items (skipping the beatles etc) ? thanks
Hi Rob,
As of now you can’t get a digest, but we will look into a new solution soon.
howdy. been a devotee of your e-mails and news and notes, but they have mysteriously disappeared from my in-box over the past month or more. long vacation? mixed-up confusion? whatever the reason, i’d like to be reinstated! thanks!
We cannot figure it out, we’ve noticed this ourself and it’s bad for our traffic. We keep working at it
Yeah – happened to me – now in my second email hiatus – tried the subscribe button but tells me i already am. Wish I could remember how i fixed it last time! Maybe unsubscribing and then resubscribing……
Try unsubscribing and then resubscribing…… should work.
Egil (below)
I would but can’t fathom how to unsubscribe……
Also, despite asking for an email notifying me of a reply to my post, it didn’t arrive so all very odd.
“Something is happening here, but I don’t know what it is……………..do you, Egil Mosbron?”
(Sorry – had to!)
We´re looking into this… looks like we got a problem with the subscriptions plugin.
message below sent to [email protected] … but returned to sender
Hi Egil,
Great to see my 1978 photo of Bob on the home page / top posts & pages at alldylan.com (red light on hair, white shirt with black edge to collar/front, black waistcoat with black fender strat, looking down to his right)
Could you credit the photo to © Keith Baugh … thank you
Did you see my recent vimeo video with a few more of my 1978 photos …
Also more of my Dylan photos on facebook … https://www.facebook.com/keith.baugh.3/media_set?set=a.111243962254934.5130.100001079917169&type=3
Thanks Egil … keep on keeping on …
Keith Baugh
Hi Keith,
Off course I’ll credit you.
GREAT photo.
I’ll check out vimeo & your fb page later today.
Great lists, and I appreciate your site! Hey, Egil, “Sticky Fingers” over “Beggars Banquest” and “Let It Bleed.” Really?
Great site.
Thanks for the feedback Tom.
My fav Stones studio albums:
1. Exile
2. Sticky
3. LIB
4. Beggars
5. Aftermath (US original w/Paint It Black)
BUT 2-4 are a very close call.. and may alter places..
I thought this interview with Dylan’s long-time French musician friend Hugues Aufray would be of interest to you two, Hallgeir and Egil. Perhaps, it may serve as a basis for some future post. Btw, have you ever seen that photo of Dylan with Aufray from 1965 (not ’63) before? I haven’t.
Keep up the great work. I hope you enjoyed Manchester! S.
Thanks for the input Steve.
Interesting stuff and a rare picture.
Please, PLEASE … find the Dylan MusiCares Speech and deliver it to us! You will officially recognized as the King of the Dylan World if you provide this gem from the master!
Thanks for a terrific site!
Hi Steve,
I’m searching night & day for a video worth publishing… believe me 🙂
Thank You Egil & Hallgeir for running the 2nd Best Music site I’ve come across, Expecting Rain being the Best. I say this as a Neil Young/Bruce Springsteen Fan (Neil being just a hair ahead of Bruce) who realizes that without Mr. Dylan neither Neil nor Bruce would be the Artists that they’ve become. Bob Dylan is by far the Greatest Lyricist that Rock’n’Roll has produced & my recently purchased “The Lyrics” holds a place in our home that big family Bibles used to in centuries past.
I add my List of my Favorite 30 Albums because as these lists are like calling cards for Music Junkies such as ourselves. My List has only 1 Record by each Artist otherwise it would be top heavy with Neil, Bruce, Bob & the Beatles. Making a 25 Album List or 30 or even a 100 is never easy as it comes down to the Records that you hate not including because they’re so good. There is no particular order to my List & with that said here it is:
1. Rust Never Sleeps – Neil Young and Crazy Horse
2. Darkness on the Edge of Town – Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band
3. Who’s Next – The Who
4. Blood on the Tracks – Bob Dylan
5. London Calling – the Clash
6. White Album – the Beatles
7. Exile on Main Street – Rolling Stones
8. Shoot Out the Lights – Richard & Linda Thompson
9. Get Happy – Elvis Costello & the Attractions
10. Moondance – Van Morrison
11. Bitches Brew – Miles Davis
12. Horses – Patti Smith
13. Hunky Dory – David Bowie
14. Village Green Preservation Society – the Kinks
15. Velvet Underground – Velvet Underground
16. Remain in Light – Talking Heads
17. All Things Must Pass – George Harrison
18. Songs for Swingin’ Lovers – Frank Sinatra
19. Let it Be – the Replacements
20. Pirates – Rickie Lee Jones
21. Blue – Joni Mitchell
22. OK Computer – Radiohead
23. Purple Rain – Prince
24. Sun Sessions – Elvis Presley
25. What’s Going On – Marvin Gaye
26. Squeezing Out Sparks – Graham Parker & the Rumour
27. Mule Variations – Tom Waits
28. Complete Recordings – Robert Johnson
29. Chess Box – Howlin Wolf
30. Innervisions – Stevie Wonder
Thanks again for your Great site & Keep Up the Good Listening!
Thanks for the comment & the great list Bud!
That list is so good, it could’ve been mine 🙂
– Hallgeir
Quadrophenia should be on the Lp list as should The Allman Brothers Band Live at the fillmore!!!!!
Dylan’s very rare “I’m Troubled and I Don’t Know Why” from 1963. Check it out!! I bet you’ll want to post it–if you weren’t aware of it already and have done so.
Great performance and energy. (I imagine he would have revised that “lecture/picture” line in the last verse if he’d recorded it for release.)
Thanks for the tip Steven!
I did actually consider a post on August 17 about the “Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, New York City, New York, 17 August 1963” concert.
But had to prioritize other posts, and it is indeed a great performance from Dylan.
Anyway a post about the concert is on my (loong) list, and will be considered August 17 next year 🙂
Maybe even earlier…
I just love your sit and your knowledge of music is awesome. Thank you!
Thanks Nancy.
We are two here @ alldylan.com 🙂 Both me & Hallgeir knows a thing or two about our deepest passion.
Great that you like our site.
For the past two days I’ve been having trouble uploading the most recent updates to your site: the main page displays August 22nd w/ John Lee Hooker. It is only via the links on Expectingrain.com that I’ve been able to access your most recent updates. Perhaps, the technical problem is on your end…and I am not the only one experiencing trouble?
Unrelated, I’ve just looked at your all-time favorite album lists on this entry (above). Please allow me, as a fellow lover of fine music to make a few listening suggestions. Firstly, spend some more time listening to and contemplating Love and Theft. I suspect that you may come to the conclusion that it ranks with Dylan’s greatest work, exceeding Desire, Freewheelin’, etc.
Secondly, do the same (spend a few days–you know how that goes) with Van Morrison’s St. Dominic’s Preview and Into the Music. You may find that they rival Astral Weeks and Moondance as masterpieces worthy of being in one’s ‘top 25 list’.
Happy listening. Love your site. Shalom!
We will look into the uploading problems, but we haven’t had any other reports of this.
The list on the “About Us” page has only one album per artist, I am sure Egil would have a lot more Dylan albums on a “traditional” best of list, as would I, and more Stones, more Van Morrison and one more Beatles at least. The Point of doing it the way we did was to show what artists we are listening to. However, I see your point and we have discussed this many times, and there will be a new list sometime in the near future.
Again, thanks for your feedback, always appreciated.
– Hallgeir
Hi guys! Agree to 90 % of your favorite album list. I would for sure move Bruce down where Steve Earl’s album is and move Kind of Blue and Astral Week up under Blonde on Blonde.
Per Kristian Ullevalseter
West Chester, PA
Great site, Egil…I will be recommending it to all the music lovers I know.
Thanks Chris!
Great lists. Wilco has a permanent place for me just below Dylan. A Ghost Is Born is a masterpiece. Have you heard of Kelly Joe Phelps? If not, give a listen!
Thanks for your feedback Kurt,
Wilco is the greatest band performing music today..and has been for many years now imo.
Great site, and a terrific reference!
and thanks for the kind words
– Hallgeir
Hi Egil
Yes I did – however I guess that top lists are always only opinions and everyone has their own favourites. For instance ‘Back to Black’ from Amy Winehouse would always make my top 20 as would ‘Almost Blue’ from Elvis Costello – that’s the fun of doing the lists.
Love the site and the daily updates are great reading
Thanks Dave
Not sure where my comments sent yesterday have disapperaed to as they aren’t on here now…..
Hi Dave,
You dropped some nice comments on the “Dylan top 200” post yesterday… I think..
Hi guys
Just latched on to your site. Brilliant choice for sure.
Been a Dylan fan since my first record bought, which was ‘Watching the River Flow’ from Carnaby Street in London back in the early 70’s – still playin’ his stuff of course – fav songs for sure are Desolation Row, Hattie Carroll and probably Idiot Wind
However so many brilliant tracks in his songbook it changes regularly. Between ‘Highway 61 revisited’ and ‘Blonde On Blonde’ for my fav albums.
Mind you I’m a big Stones, Bowie and Lou Reed fan too so I could be commenting on here quite regularly I think, if that’s ok!
All the best Dave
Hi Dave,
Thanks for nice words & excellent taste in music 🙂
Please visit as often as you like & comments are always welcomed..
Please put me on your mailing list if you have one.thx and a happy thxgv.jim
I found your site linked to the Dylan site Expecting Rain. You have a wonderful site & fantastic music taste, or least taste very similar to my own.
I consider Dylan, Springsteen & Young to be the “holy trinity” and never take for granted the wonderful opportunities to attend of their shows. The three combined I’ve seen in excess of 300 times. Keep up the fantastic work & thanks again.
Indianapolis, IN Midwest USA
Thanks for the great feedback Chuck!
Always nice to hear from people with such great taste for art.
We will keep this site running for … as long as we are able to breathe.. 🙂
This is after all our greatest passion.
Egil: the Dylan is “the man,” and rock on, dude, like Niebuhr would. I remember the first time that I heard the Dylan and was never the same again, for this was the truth of the world. I remember the first time that I read Ernest Hemingway and the Nick Adams stories. And these are things that come but once in a lifetime.
Nice lists guys, but I would have to include Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here, and of course possibly the greatest live album of all time (though Ya-Yas is up there), Live at the Fillmore by The Allman Brothers.
We definitely diverge in our musical tastes, but there is one constant, Bob is the man.
Great site. is is much appreciated.
Your web site inspired me deeply. I too share a love for most of the music you described. I also share a love for Bob Dylan music. I love it all, but his stuff the best. Some say Visions of Johanna was the best song he has ever written. I love the Freeze Out version. I think this was the original title to the song. It’s got Al Kooper on organ I believe. How do feel about the music from Slow Train Coming? I listen to this album a lot recently, since a buddy turned me on to it.
Thanks for the great feedback Rafe,
Good to hear from people who share our taste in great art! Freeze out was the “working title” for “visions of Johanna”, and it is thrilling to hear how his greatest song started out. Slow Train Coming is a great album, not among his 10 best in my opinion.. but still a masterpiece (and in this I speak for both of us at JV). Best songs from STC = Slow Train, Gotta Serve Somebody & When He Returns (that’s my top 3).
Thanks for feedback Jason & Paul!
I like Led Zeppelin, but there was no room on my top 25… they would probably made a top 50 list..
This is a great list and you folks have a great site (and the fact that Led Zep didn’t make the cut is only to your credit). Thanks very much.
No Led Zep in your top 25 WTF?