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“He’s been great to play with. Great fun as well, mostly because you can never let your mind drift. He’ll give the most familiar song an odd twist – a change of rhythm or a peculiar delivery. Playing with Bob Dylan certainly gives you a good kick up the ass. One night he’ll do something like he’ll say – on Stage – ‘Right, we’ll begin with “Forever Young” and the Heartbreakers have maybe played the song once before. Then he’ll say. ‘And Benmont you start it off´
– Benmont Tench (member of The Heartbreakers, Dylan´s backing band in 1986/1987)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Benjamin Montmorency “Benmont” Tench III (born September 7, 1953) is an American musician and singer, best known as a founding member of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
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Please check out our new website:
Shot of Love – Benmont Tench (In Big Sur 2019)
A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall – Benmont Tench (Newport Folk Festival)
Corrina, Corrina – Benmont Tench (Rockwood Music Hall, March 19, 2019)
And we need to add some Dylan with Tome Petty & The Heartbreakers.
Knocking On Heavens Door (1986)
Like A Rolling Stone (1986)
Positively 4th Street (1986)
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- MusicThisDay.com
- –
- Karl Erik’s expectingrain.com
- Olof’s “Still On The Road“
Thanks, Egil! The second, slightly longer “Hard Rain,” can be heard better and Benmont Tench really brings it across. Back in the 70s I felt “Hard Rain” was the strongest poem in a a very good poetry anthology from those times, and it communicates today stronger than ever, especially when someone puts it across with the passion with which Benmont Tench absolutely declaims. You can see how he’s such a powerful part of one of the greatest bunch of musicians ever. He rises to the challenge in this work of art. I hope we can.