A far more productive session at Muscle Shoals yields three [four] cuts on Saved, including the seemingly improvised opener, “Satisfied Mind,” which is cut in a single rake, as is “Saved” (although according to Wexler this was one of two songs recur on the 15th). “Solid Rock” is cut in three takes, “What Can I Do for You!” in one, although that Muscle Shoals groove is sadly lacking on both.
~Clinton Heylin (Bob Dylan: A Life in Stolen Moments Day by Day 1941-1995)
Dick Cooper, Bob Dylan, Terry Young, Regina Havis, Mona Lisa Young and Clydie King
Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
Sheffield, Alabama
12 February 1980 2nd Saved recording session produced by Jerry Wexler & Barry Beckett
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
Solid Rock Released on: “Saved” Columbia, 20 June 1980
What Can I Do For You?
What Can I Do For You? Released on: “Saved” Columbia, 20 June 1980
Saved (Bob Dylan/Tim Drummond)
Saved (Bob Dylan/Tim Drummond)
A Satisfied Mind (Red Hayes/Jack Rhodes) Released on: “Saved” Columbia, 20 June 1980 “Satisfied Mind,” is absolutely magnificent. This is spontaneous Dylan, inspired Dylan, the performing artist at work; you can hear the man’s genius not only in his voice but in the astonishing performance of the back-up singers and in Tim Drummond’s delightful bass playing. Dylan, when the spirit moves him, breathes out great music as easily as another person laughs. ~Paul Williams (Bob Dylan: Performing Artist, Vol 2: The Middle Years 1974-1986) A Satisfied Mind by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark
why are the live versions of the songs THAT much better than the record ?