In circulation from this show are three acoustic songs and three electric songs, part of the widely bootlegged Gelston acetates. Before “Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat” someone shouts something at Dylan, and he threatens, “Come up here and say that”” The offer is not taken up. Before a nine-minute “Like a Rolling Stone,” which Dylan dedicates to the Taj Mahal, he introduces the Hawks for the first and only time on the tour.
~Clinton Heylin (Bob Dylan: A Life in Stolen Moments Day by Day 1941-1995)
It’s now also released officially in The 1966 Live Recordings Box-set (disc 30).
Royal Albert Hall
London, England
26 May 1966
- Bob Dylan (vocal & electric guitar)
- Robbie Robertson (electric guitar)
- Garth Hudson (organ), Rick Danko (bass)
- Richard Manuel (piano)
- Mickey Jones (drums)
- She Belongs To Me
- Fourth Time Around
- Visions Of Johanna
- It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
- Desolation Row
- Just Like A Woman
- Mr. Tambourine Man
– - Tell Me, Momma
- I Don’t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
- Baby Let Me Follow You Down (Eric von Schmidt)
- Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
Before Leopard-Skin someone in the audience shouts something… and Dylan says: “Come up here and say that!”… - Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
- One Too Many Mornings
- Ballad Of A Thin Man
- Like A Rolling Stone
We get to hear a rarity on the tour… Bob introduces The Band. Then he kicks into the highlight of disc one… a paifully slow Like A Rolling Stone in which Bob spits words at the crowd with venom, and drags them into eternity.
I’ve never done this before but I want you to meet Robbie Robertson here and, and Garth Hudson, Mickey Jones, Rick Danko, and, … and Richard! (to someone in the band) You promised me you were gonna read. It doesn’t mean a thing now, but they’re all poets, you understand, if it comes out that way, it comes out that way, but, all poets you know.This song here is dedicated to The Taj Mahal. Now, we’re gonna leave after this song and I wanna say goodbye to all of you people, you’ve been very wo.. very people, you know, I …, you’ve been very nice people. I mean, here you are sitting in this great, huge place. And believe me, we’ve enjoyed every minute of being here! (Bob Dylan before Like A Rolling Stone)

Check out:
- Alldylan @ Facebook
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- Bob Dylan: Live 1961- 1969 (video & audio)
- Bob Dylan: 5 essential videos from the 60’s
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- Olof’s “Still On The Road“