Tag Archives: bob dylan interview

Feb 10: Bob Dylan – Sydney Press Conference 1986 (video)

bob dylan sydney 1986

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]There is so much mediocrity going on, every time someone really good comes along it’s like you can’t be too good ‘cause you’re looked at. you stand out. People that stand out in an individual kind of way, they don’t fit into the system because they don’t sell, they don’t keep system commodities going. I thought Peter Townshend’s record was real good.

Who’s Bob Dylan? I’m only Bob Dylan when I have to be Bob Dylan. Most of the time I just be myself.[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Brett Whiteley’s Studio
Surry Hills
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
10 February 1986
Sydney Press Conference

Continue reading Feb 10: Bob Dylan – Sydney Press Conference 1986 (video)

December 16: Bob Dylan – Los Angeles Press Conference in 1965

Q: What does the word “protest” mean to you?

Bob Dylan: It means singing when you really don’t want to sing. It means singing against your wishes to sing.

Dylan’s second west coast press conference in two weeks takes place in Los Angeles. His mood is far less amenable than it had been in San Francisco. The conference lasts just over half an hour.
-Clinton Heylin (A Life in Stolen Moments)

Columbia Recording Studios
Los Angeles, California
16 December 1965
Los Angeles Press Conference.

Mono recording, 32 minutes.

Continue reading December 16: Bob Dylan – Los Angeles Press Conference in 1965

December 3: Bob Dylan interview @ KQED-TV Studios, San Francisco, 1965 (videos)


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Oh, I think of myself more as a song and dance man, y’know
~Press Conference, San Francisco 3 December 1965[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Legendary press conference.

The San Francisco Press Conference was set up by Ralph Gleason at KQED-TV, an educational station, in the bay area of San Francisco and took place on December 3rd 1965. It was broadcast on KQED later that day, just before Dylan and The Hawks played their first night at the Berkeley Community Theater.
Source: The Fiddler Now Upspoke, pp. 359-374.

KQED-TV Studios
San Francisco, California
3 December 1965
San Francisco Press Conference

Released on the DVD Dylan Speaks, Eagle Media MDV622, 30 October 2006.

Bob Dylan - Dylan Speaks

I don’t play folk-rock.

Continue reading December 3: Bob Dylan interview @ KQED-TV Studios, San Francisco, 1965 (videos)