Tag Archives: Studs Terkel

April 26: Bob Dylan Studs Terkel’s Wax Museum Chicago 1963

bob dylan 1963 studs terkel

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]I don’t know how I come to songs, y’know, but doing what I’m doing, I’m doing, er… I mean, it’s not up to me, y’know, I don’t really go into myself that deep… I just go ahead and do it, yeah, I was sort of trying to find a place to pound my nails, y’know.
~Bob Dylan (to Studs Terkel, 26 April 1963)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

WFMT-Radio Studio
Chicago, Illinois
26 April 1963
Studs Terkel Wax Museum

  1. Farewell
  2. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
  3. Bob Dylan’s Dream
  4. Boots Of Spanish Leather
  5. John Brown
  6. Who Killed Davey Moore?
  7. Blowin’ In The Wind

…and talking to Studs Terkel between the songs.

Continue reading April 26: Bob Dylan Studs Terkel’s Wax Museum Chicago 1963

April 26: Bob Dylan WFMT-Radio, Chicago 1963

bob dylan 1963 studs terkel

I don’t know how I come to songs, y’know, but doing what I’m doing, I’m doing, er… I mean, it’s not up to me, y’know, I don’t really go into myself that deep… I just go ahead and do it, yeah, I was sort of trying to find a place to pound my nails, y’know.
~Bob Dylan (to Studs Terkel, 26 April 1963)

WFMT-Radio Studio
Chicago, Illinois
26 April 1963
Studs Terkel Wax Museum

  1. Farewell
  2. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
  3. Bob Dylan’s Dream
  4. Boots Of Spanish Leather
  5. John Brown
  6. Who Killed Davey Moore?
  7. Blowin’ In The Wind

…and talking to Studs Terkel between the songs.

Continue reading April 26: Bob Dylan WFMT-Radio, Chicago 1963