Watch: Bob Dylan Performing a Wonderful “Standing In The Doorway” in London 2000

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]I’m walking through the summer nights
Jukebox playing low
Yesterday everything was going too fast
Today, it’s moving too slow
I got no place left to turn
I got nothing left to burn
Don’t know if I saw you, if I would kiss you or kill you
It probably wouldn’t matter to you anyhow
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
I got nothing to go back to now[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Wembley Arena
London, England
6 October 2000

  • Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
  • Charlie Sexton (guitar)
  • Larry Campbell (guitar, mandolin, pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)
  • Tony Garnier (bass)
  • David Kemper (drums & percussion)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]The light in this place is so bad
Making me sick in the head
All the laughter is just making me sad
The stars have turned cherry red
I’m strumming on my gay guitar
Smoking a cheap cigar
The ghost of our old love has not gone away
Don’t look like it will anytime soon
You left me standing in the doorway crying
Under the midnight moon

Maybe they’ll get me and maybe they won’t
But not tonight and it won’t be here
There are things I could say but I don’t
I know the mercy of God must be near
I’ve been riding the midnight train
Got ice water in my veins
I would be crazy if I took you back
It would go up against every rule
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
Suffering like a fool

When the last rays of daylight go down
Buddy, you’ll roll no more
I can hear the church bells ringing in the yard
I wonder who they’re ringing for
I know I can’t win
But my heart just won’t give in
Last night I danced with a stranger
But she just reminded me you were the one
You left me standing in the doorway crying
In the dark land of the sun

I’ll eat when I’m hungry, drink when I’m dry
And live my life on the square
And even if the flesh falls off of my face
I know someone will be there to care
It always means so much
Even the softest touch
I see nothing to be gained by any explanation
There are no words that need to be said
You left me standing in the doorway crying
Blues wrapped around my head[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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4 thoughts on “Watch: Bob Dylan Performing a Wonderful “Standing In The Doorway” in London 2000”

  1. Again I say this is one of the best “Born To Listen” or “AllDylan” ‘posts’ you’ve posted. I’m right each time, and they truly are…how could that be helped. Thanks for the way these are presented each time.

  2. Bob has a way of making the simplest words move you . There’s something in the in the strength of his voice which emotes human feelings that gives a profound experience that stays with you like an after effect or glow to your mood .

  3. I get the impression that you really need to be in a certain mood to do this song justice. Bob is in that mood during this performance, as he is “strumming on his gay guitar.” Because as he says, he is gonna “eat when he’s hungry, drink when he’s dry.”

    There are no words that need to be said
    You left me standing in the doorway crying
    Blues wrapped around my head.

    The guitar solo that begins after all the words have been said at around 6:42 is pretty much perfect. It includes one of those very deep knee-bends at 7:09 which indicates a complete and utter commitment to this outstanding solo, even including the full swinging left knee at 7:36.

    Like I say, this only happens if you are really “feelin’ it.”


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