Bob Dylan and Robbie Robertson (quotes, videos & pictures)

Rich Danko, Robbie Robertson, and Bob Dylan, Seattle Center Coliseum, February 9, 1974.
Rich Danko, Robbie Robertson, and Bob Dylan, Seattle Center Coliseum, February 9, 1974.

Happy 74th Birthday Robbie Robertson.

  1. Bob Dylan quotes (about Robbie Robertson)
  2. Robbie Robertson quotes & video (about Bob Dylan)
  3. Sweet music

Bob Dylan quotes (about Robbie Robertson)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Robbie, Robbie’s the lead guitar player. I’ve… Rob… I’ve known Robbie for some time.
~Nat Hentoff (The Playboy) Interview (autumn (leaves) 1965)

[Do you get any help from the group that you play with… that you write your songs…]
Robbie, the lead guitar player, sometimes we play the guitars together… something might come up… but I know it’s going to be right. I’ll be just sitting around playing so I can write up some words. I don’t get any ideas, though, any kind of ideas… of what I want to, you know, or what’s really going to happen here.
~San Francisco Press Conference, December 1965

the only mathematical guitar genius I’ve ever run into who does not offend my intestinal nervousness with his rearguard sound.
~ New York Herald Tribune, December 1965

It’s like I have to laugh at Robbie (the Band’s Robbie Robertson) in ‘The Last Waltz’ when he talks about giving up the road. It ain’t gonna happen. Once you’re on it, you’re on it…
~to Robert Hilburn, May 1978

The Band had their own sound, that’s for sure. When they were playin’ behind me, the weren’t the Band; they were called Levon and the Hawks. What came out on record as the Band – it was like night and day. Robbie [Robertson] started playing that real pinched, squeezed guitar sound – he had never played like that
before in his life. They could cover songs great. They used to do Motown songs, and that, to me, is when I think of them as being at their best. Even more so than “King Harvest” and “The Weight” and all of that. When I think of them, I think of them singin’ somethin’ like “Baby Don’t You Do It,” covering Marvin Gaye and that kind of thing. Those were the golden days of the Band, even more so than when they played behind me.
~to Kurt Loder, October 1987

Once in the midsummer madness [late 60’s after the motorcycle accident] I was riding in a car with Robbie Robertson, the guitar player in what later was to be called The Band. I felt like I might as well have been living in another part of the solar system. He says to me, “Where do you think you’re gonna take it?”
I said, “Take what?”
“You know, the whole music scene.” The whole music scene! The car window was rolled down about an inch. I rolled it clown the rest of the way, felt a gust of wind blow into my face and waited for what he said to die away—it was like dealing with a conspiracy. No place was far enough away. I don’t know what everybody else was fantasizing about but what I was fantasizing about was a nine-to-five existence, a house on a tree-lined block with a white picket fence, pink roses in the backyard. That would have been nice. That was my deepest dream.
~From “Chronicles, Volume One” by Bob Dylan. To be published by Simon & Schuster, Inc. © 2004 by Bob Dylan.[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson in 1965
Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson in 1965

Robbie Robertson quotes & video (about Bob Dylan)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]And so when we did get the call from Bob Dylan, I felt embarrassingly unaware of what he did. There was kind of a folk thing happening, we knew about that — but it wasn’t on our agenda, really.

“I remember in some cases he played me some music and I didn’t care for it very much, but when he sang those songs or did those songs, I liked it. He also had a way of singing other people’s songs and making it sound like he wrote it, early on. Before I became a little bit more aware of different people’s songs in the folk music area. But I liked the idea that he had no idea what he had in mind — only that he wanted to just mix it up and try some stuff.”

In the case of Bob, he works really hard in figuring out songs. There is just no excuse for not giving it—if you love it that much—just giving it everything you can pull out.

Bob Dyan is as influential as any artist that there has been.
~From The Telegraph

Well, I have a different recollection of that song. That comes from when we were doing ‘The Basement Tapes’, so there was new songs, and Bob Dylan knows all of this stuff about folk music that we didn’t know. So every once in a while he would pull out one of these songs that we’d never heard of or heard before, and a couple of them that stuck out to me were ‘Spanish Is The Loving Tongue’ and ‘Ain’t No More Cane On The Brazos’. And when he sang that song, ‘Ain’t No More Cane On The Brazos’, I said, ‘Wait a minute, teach that song to me. There’s something special in that.’

I think that there are masters in most things. There are true masters and I think that Hank Williams is a true master. I think that he wrote and performed some songs and that he did better than anybody else in the world. I think that Bob Dylan is a true master.

Robbie Robertson Talks About Bob Dylan and the Basement Tapes:

Video from

Rick Danko, Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson @ Isle Of Wight 1969
Rick Danko, Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson @ Isle Of Wight 1969

Some relevant music

Berkeley Community Theatre
Berkeley, California
4 December 1965

Long Distance Operator

The Royal Albert Hall 1966

Tell Me, Momma

Odeon Theatre
Newcastle, England
21 May 1966

Like A Rolling Stone

Woodside Bay
Near Ryde, Isle Of Wight, England
31 August 1969

I Threw It All Away

Chicago Stadium
Chicago, Illinois
3 January 1974

Hero Blues

San Francisco, California
25 November 1976

I Shall Be Released

Van Morrison, Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson @ Winterland Nov 1976
Van Morrison, Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson @ Winterland Nov 1976

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One thought on “Bob Dylan and Robbie Robertson (quotes, videos & pictures)”

  1. That is absolutely it. It was great growing up during those times and watching it all unfold. Hey Bob, how in the world did you write (name song here)? Hahaha.

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