Robbie Robertson talks about recommending Otis Redding to cover Dylan’s “Just Like a Woman”, but it never came to be. Well, they did record it but he couldn’t sing the bridge (according to Mr. Robertson)…very interesting stuff!
On the commentary track included on the Criterion edition of the Monterey Pop film , D.A. Pennebaker said that he first saw Redding when Dylan took him to see Redding at the Whiskey on April 7th 1966.
Check out: September 9 – Otis Redding was born in 1941
Bob Dylan played some of Otis Redding’s songs on The Theme Time Radio Hour radio show: “Cigarettes and Coffee”, “I’ve Got Dreams to Remember”, and a “Stay in school” ad.
– Hallgeir
maybe a musician out there can help me, but isnt the bridge of ‘just like a woman’ the part that starts ‘it was raining from the first…’ and ‘fog, amphetamines, pearls’ part of a non-bridge verse?… just wondering….
also, doesnt robbie kinda remind you of martin short’s impression of jerry lewis speaking seriously?
Yes, you’re right, the phrase in question is the second verse. About your other question, I’m not so sure
which begs the question: was it the “amphetamine” lyrics otis objected to, or did he just have trouble singing the actual bridge? i read somewhere that when he was offered “just like a woman” he simply said: “too many words.”
Yes, I’ve read something similar (“Too wordy…”), but I’m not sure if he said it or if his management did…but would be fun to hear!