Tag Archives: bob dylan interview 1966

April 28: Bob Dylan Klas Burling interview, Sweden 1966

bob Dylan klas burling interview 1966

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]What do you think Mozart would say to you if you ever come up to him and ask him the questions that you’ve been asking, you know? What kind of questions would you ask him, you know, ‘Tell me, Mr. Mozart… ‘
~Bob Dylan (to Klas Burling, April 28, 1966)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Immediately after the official press conference at the Hotel Flamingo at Stockholm, Dylan was interviewed for Swedish Radio 3: Stockholm: Radiohuset by Sweden’s first disc jockey, Klas Burling. Burling asked all the questions that Dylan had clearly grown sick and tired of hearing and got a really hard time as a result. You have to give poor Burling credit for lasting the distance and carrying the interview through to the end. (Every Mind Polluting Word)

Continue reading April 28: Bob Dylan Klas Burling interview, Sweden 1966

Jan 26: Bob Dylan @ WBAI Studios With Bob Fass in 1966

Dylan: Experience?
Caller 7: …you know, from life. I was just wondering if you were going to say it.
Dylan: What’s experienced about them?
Caller 7: Well, I mean, like It Ain’t Me, Babe and Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right.
Dylan: Oh. Oh, you don’t have to go anyplace to have those kind of experiences though, really, do you?
Caller 7: Well, I don’t know. You have to go through something! I mean, did you just make them up? Come on…
Dylan: Well, I guess I did. I just made ‘em up out of my head, yeah.

WBAI Studios
New York City, New York
26 January 1966
Bob Dylan on Radio Unnamable

Broadcast by WBAI-FM, New York City.

Continue reading Jan 26: Bob Dylan @ WBAI Studios With Bob Fass in 1966