Tag Archives: Europe Summer Tour

7 Highlights from Bob Dylan’s Europe Summer Tour 2014 (videos)

Photo credit - Andrea Orlandi
Photo credit – Andrea Orlandi

A great 2014 leg ended 17 July @ Main Stage, Kirjurinluoto Arena, Pori, Finland.

He’s now Playing his third 2014 leg down in Australia & New Zealand (9 August – 10 September), and only a few videos have popped up on youtube yet.

I feel it’s time to reflect a bit over the European leg by choosing some of my favorite videos.

Forgetful heart
Lost your power of recall
Every little detail
You don’t remember at all
The times we knew
Who would remember better then you

Forgetful Heart @
Istanbul, Turkey
Black Box Istanbul
June 20, 2014

Continue reading 7 Highlights from Bob Dylan’s Europe Summer Tour 2014 (videos)