[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]As with much of the late 80’s, Dylan’s vocals are intense and powerful. The three piece band led by GE Smith is raw and energetic. .. The performance is marvelous. Dylan takes a huge bite out of the Big Apple from Radio City. Coincidentally, Warner Brothers released the incredible ‘Traveling Wilburys Vol.1″ while Dylan was playing in this ‘showplace of the nation’. This might have lent a hand to a little extra sparkle and drive to be found in this tour de force.
Great concert from part 3 of the Interstate 88 tour.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Bob Dylan recorded “Simple Twist of Fate” on September 19, 1974 at A&R Recording Studios, New York City. It was released on “Blood on the Tracks” January 20, 1975.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]His presence burns from the video screen. His music bursts with aliveness. Anyone can see he’s being driven by some kind of primal force.
~Paul Williams (Bob Dylan: Performing Artist, Vol 2: The Middle Years 1974-1986)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
GREAT performance from Dylan & his trio (core of what would become the The Rolling Thunder tour band).. They were the last act this day.. the filming was running late & they didn’t get to play before 2 am. Still there is fire in Dylan’s eyes.. and he drives his band through the songs.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate
Frankfurt, Germany
6 November 2003
Bob Dylan (vocal & piano)
Freddie Koella (guitar)
Larry Campbell (guitar, mandolin, pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)