Tag Archives: Heartland

Bob Dylan & Willie Nelson performing together (Videos)

Bob+Dylan Willie+Nelson

[blockquote cite=”Mr. WordPress” type=”left, center, right”]He’s [Willie Nelson] like a philosopher, you know. He gets to the heart of it in a quick way, gets it out and it’s over. And this leaves the listener to think about it.
~Bob Dylan (28 April 1993).[/blockquote]

Celebrating Willie Nelson’s 81st birthday… I’ve put together 4 videos where he’s on stage with Bob Dylan (and a bonus..one)

Check out: Happy birthday Willie Nelson


1. KRLU-TV Studios – Austin, Texas – 28 April 1993
Filming of Willie Nelson 60th birthday party

(a brilliant) Pancho And Lefty:

Continue reading Bob Dylan & Willie Nelson performing together (Videos)