Tag Archives: Seville

October 17: Watch Bob Dylan at Guitar Legends, Seville 1991

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”].. a superb three-song acoustic set. A slightly-at-a-loss Richard Thompson embellishes Dylan’s plaintive singing and light strumming with some virtuoso acoustic guitar work. If ‘Boots of Spanish Leather’  might seem an obvious choice, covers of “Across the borderline’ and ‘Answer Me’ transcend their original selves.
~Clinton Heylin (A Life of Stolen Moments)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Guitar Legends was a concert held over five nights, from October 15 to October 19, 1991, in SevilleSpain, with the aim of positioning the city as an entertainment destination to draw support for Expo ’92 beginning the following April.

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