[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Most of them [the songs on “Oh Mercy”] are stream-of-consciousness songs, the kind that come to you in the middle of the night, when you just want to go back to bed. The harder you try to do something, the more it evades you. These weren’t like that.”
~Bob Dylan (to Edna Gundersen, 21 September 1989)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Happy 30th birthday “Oh Mercy” – released September 18, 1989.
To celebrate this great album I’ve collected live versions of all the tracks on the album.
#1 – Political World
Kalvøya-Festivalen, Kalvøya
Sandvika, Norway
30 June 1990
#2 – Where Teardrops Fall
Austin Music Hall
Austin, Texas
26 October 1996
#3 – Everything Is Broken
Worcester Centrum Centre
Worcester, Massachusetts
14 November 1999
#4 – Ring Them Bells
Todaiji Temple
Nara, Japan
22 May 1994
The Great Music Experience. Produced by Tony Hollingsworth.
#5 – Man in the Long Black Coat
Live 1995, probably London
#6 – Most Of The Time
Keaney Auditorium
University Of Rhode Island
South Kingston, Rhode Island
22 October 1989
#7 – What Good Am I?
Spring 2014
#8 – Disease of Conceit
Hammersmith Odeon
London, England
8 February 1990
#9 – What Was It You Wanted
Hammersmith Odeon
London, England
February 1990
#10 – Shooting Star
The Apollo Of Temple
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
9 November 1999
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Check out:
- MusicThisDay.com
– - Bob Dylan: Live versions of all the songs from “Love & Theft”
- –
- Karl Erik’s expectingrain.com
- Olof’s “Still On The Road“