[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]I’m walking through streets that are dead
Walking, walking with you in my head
My feet are so tired, my brain is so wired
And the clouds are weeping[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Next comes Love Sick….a great version, Bob looking very good center stage and nailing this one. The band was very tight with Bob nodding to the ‘new’ Colin Linden to take some solos. Colin was looking for direction and occasionally getting some from Tony.
~Brett Rosenthal (boblinks.com)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Susquehanna Bank Center
Camden, New Jersey
28 July 2013
Band Members
- Bob Dylan – center stage with harp
- Tony Garnier – bass
- George Recile – drums
- Stu Kimball – rhythm guitar
- Colin Linden – lead guitar
- Donnie Herron – electric mandolin
Did I hear someone tell a lie?
Did I hear someone’s distant cry?
I spoke like a child; you destroyed me with a smile
While I was sleepingI’m sick of love but I’m in the thick of it
This kind of love I’m so sick of itI see, I see lovers in the meadow
I see, I see silhouettes in the window
I watch them ’til they’re gone and they leave me hanging on
To a shadowI’m sick of love; I hear the clock tick
This kind of love; I’m love sickSometimes the silence can be like the thunder
Sometimes I feel like I’m being plowed under
Could you ever be true? I think of you
And I wonderI’m sick of love; I wish I’d never met you
I’m sick of love; I’m trying to forget youJust don’t know what to do
I’d give anything to be with you
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][vc_btn title=”Alldylan / Borntolisten @ Facebook” color=”blue” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-facebook-official” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJohannasVisions%2F||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_style=”outline” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-link” css_animation=”bounceIn”]Check out:
- Bob Dylan live 2010 – 2014 (videos & audio)
- Bob Dylan Never Ending Tour 2015 – Videos & Audio
- –
- Karl Erik’s expectingrain.com
- Olof’s “Still On The Road“