OK, we’ll try a lyrics quiz.
Lyrics are easily google-able, but there is a time limit & to google the lyrics is cheating.. and no fun, and no honor.
Please have fun & be honorable!
[WpProQuiz 4]
PS! – The statistics from our 3 earlier quiz’es shows that only about 10% of the people taking the quiz choose to be a part of the “Leaderboard”. Leaderboard shows only top 100.
[WpProQuiz_toplist 4]
Check out:
- Alldylan @ Facebook
- –
- Bob Dylan Quiz 1 – June 6, 2015
- Bob Dylan Quiz: 1941 – 1960
- Bob Dylan Quiz: His Life in 1961
Are you able to rank based on time taken when the score is equal?
I’ll look into it.
Would have been a nice feature.
No can do. Maybe a feature for the future of “wp-pro-quiz” (the wordpress plugin we use).
That was fun. We need more of those! Thanks. Would’ve liked to know which one I missed and the correct answer. DId I miss it?
Hi Steve,
You missed question 5. The one about kingdom & blind horse 🙂
Thanks for participating & having fun 🙂