July 13: Roger McGuinn plays 9 good Bob Dylan covers – Happy Birthday Mr. McGuinn!

Photo dated 16 October, 1992 shows Bob Dylan (R) j

Roger McGuinn is a great guitar player with a distinct sound, a “jangly” shimmering guitar sound. But he is much more than that, he is a good singer and a very good Bob Dylan interpreter.

Here are 9 good renditions of Bob Dylan’s songs done by Roger McGuinn (and collaborators).

Mr. Tambourine Man:

You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere (with Marty Stuart):

My Back Pages:

One More Cup of Coffee (with Calexico, audio):

It’s allright Ma (Easy Rider soundtrack, audio):

Up To Me:

Chimes of Freedom:

Knocking on Heaven’s Door (with Gene Clark, audio):

All I Really Wanna Do:

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3 thoughts on “July 13: Roger McGuinn plays 9 good Bob Dylan covers – Happy Birthday Mr. McGuinn!”

  1. Despite his (very) long association with Dylan, Roger McGuinn claims he has never had a conversation with our Bard. I believe him.

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