Opera House
Washington, District Of Columbia
20 January 1986
Martin Luther King Day
- The Bells Of Freedom (Stevie Wonder)
- I Shall Be Released
- Blowin’ In The Wind
- Happy Birthday (Stevie Wonder)
2, 3 released in the UK on DVD Bob Dylan Live Transmissions: Part One, RMS 2661, March 2008.
- Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
- 2 Stevie Wonder’s band Wonderlove
- 3 Stevie Wonder (shared vocal), Mary Travers (shared vocal), Noel Paul Stookey (shared vocal & guitar), Peter Yarrow (shared vocal & guitar)
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Check out:
- Bob Dylan: Live 1980 – 1989 (Video & audio)
- Bob Dylan: 8 essential videos from the 80’s
- –
- Karl Erik’s expectingrain.com
- Olof’s “Still On The Road“
Dylan was certainly in good voice at this stage of his career. Love to hear him singing with female backup — that’s something missing from his shows these days.