This is my last post in a 5 post series with great 2015 concerts.
Earlier posts:
- Tennessee Performing Arts Center, Nashville, Tennessee – 27 April 2015
- Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan – 15 May 2015
- Brose Arena, Bamberg, Germany – June 23, 2015
- Ottakringer Arena Wiesen, Wiesen, Austria – 26 June 2015
And then.. in the 4 last concerts of the summer tour the setlist exploded.
Locarno was a great concert & a location with historical significance:
Then, in October 1987, playing Locarno. Switzerland, with Tom Petty’s band and the female singers he now says he used to hide behind, Dylan had his breakthrough. It was an outdoor show – he remembers the fog and the wind – and as he stepped to the mike, a line came into his head. “It’s almost like I heard it as a voice. It wasn’t like it was even me thinking it. I’m determined to stand, whether God will deliver me or not. And all of a sudden everything just exploded. It exploded every which way. And I noticed that all the people out there – I was used to them looking at the girl singers, they were good-looking girls, you know? And like I say, I had them up there so I wouldn’t feel so bad. But when that happened, nobody was looking at the girls anymore. They were looking at the main mike. After that is when I sort of knew: I’ve got to go out and play these songs. That’s just what I must do …
~from 1997 Newsweek cover story “Dylan Lives”
Piazza Grande
Locarno, Switzerland
15 July 2015
Moon & Stars Festival
- Bob Dylan (vocal, guitar, grand piano & keyboard)
- Stu Kimball (guitar)
- Charlie Sexton (guitar)
- Donnie Herron (violin, mandolin, steel guitar)
- Tony Garnier (bass)
- George Recile (drums & percussion)
- Things Have Changed
- She Belongs To Me
- Beyond Here Lies Nothin’ (Bob Dylan-Robert Hunter/Bob Dylan)
- Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
- Duquesne Whistle (Bob Dylan-Robert Hunter/Bob Dylan)
- I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
- Pay In Blood
- Full Moon And Empty Arms (Ted Mossman, Buddy Kaye)
- The Levee’s Gonna Break
- Visions Of Johanna
- Early Roman Kings
- Shelter From The Storm
- Blind Willie McTell
- Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
- Desolation Row
- Ballad Of A Thin Man
— - All Along The Watchtower
Check out:
- Alldylan @ Facebook
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- Bob Dylan: Live 1961- 1969 (video & audio)
- Bob Dylan: 5 essential videos from the 60’s
- Bob Dylan live 1970 – 1979 (videos & audio)
- Bob Dylan: 7 essential videos from the 70’s
- Bob Dylan: Live 1980 – 1989 (Video & audio)
- Bob Dylan: 8 essential videos from the 80’s
- Bob Dylan concert videos/audios from 1990 – 1995 @ alldylan.com
- Bob Dylan: Concerts & Videos from 1996 – 1999 @ Alldylan.com
- Bob Dylan: 10 concert videos you MUST see from the 90’s
- Bob Dylan live 2000 – 2009 (videos & audio)
- Bob Dylan live 2010 – 2014 (videos & audio)
- Bob Dylan Never Ending Tour 2015 – Videos & Audio
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- Olof’s “Still On The Road“