Tag Archives: 1992

Bob Dylan concert videos/audios from 1990 – 1995 @ alldylan.com


bob dylan 95
Photo: Keith Baugh

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]“You hear sometimes about the glamour of the road, but you get over that real fast. There are a lot of times that it’s no different from going to work in the morning. Still, you’re either a player or you’re not a player. It didn’t really occur to me until we did those shows with the Grateful Dead [in 1987].
~Bob Dylan (to Robert Hilburn, Feb 1992)

As you get older, you get smarter and that can hinder you because you try to gain control over the creative impulse. Creativity is not like a freight train going down the tracks. It’s something that has to be caressed and treated with a great deal of respect. If your mind is intellectually in the way, it will stop you. You’ve got to program your brain not to think too much.
~Bob Dylan (Edna Gundersen Interview – May 1995)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ok, here are some of our videos (& some audios) from the archives.

GREAT stuff!

Continue reading Bob Dylan concert videos/audios from 1990 – 1995 @ alldylan.com

May 9: Bob Dylan – San José, California 1992

bob dylan san jose revisited

This is a great sounding audience recording of a loose, fun show. The setlist is amazing.

Perhaps the best of the West-coast shows..[1992]
~Clinton Heylin (A Life In Stolen Moments)

San José Event State Center
San José, California
9 May 1992

  • Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
  • Bucky Baxter (pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)
  • John Jackson (guitar)
  • Tony Garnier (bass)
  • Ian Wallace (drums)
  • Charlie Quintana (drums & percussion)

Continue reading May 9: Bob Dylan – San José, California 1992

September 15: The Jayhawks released Hollywood Town Hall in 1992


September 15: The Jayhawks released Hollywood Town Hall in 1992

Hollywood Town Hall is a 1992 album by The Jayhawks. It peaked at #11 on the Billboard Heatseekers and #192 on the Billboard 200. It came as a breath of fresh air during “the grunge movement”. It is a fantastic record, easy to like but not simple in any way. It is a strong album all through, no weak tracks. It should have been a monster seller of course, it is radio friendly and it is one of the best albums to drive to ever made.

The Jayhawks – Take me with you when you go:

It manages in a strange way to mix the heartache of Nashville with the west-coast sounds of Laurel Canyon. It has cool riffs and great harmonies, the playing is good and the production sounds big and lush. It sounds like Neil Young mixed with The Louvin Brothers!

There are some really great guests on the album, Nicky Hopkins, Charley Drayton and Benmont Tench contributes to a warm and organic sound.

The Jayhawks – Waiting for the sun (Letterman 1991, network debut):

Talk about wearing your influences on both sleeves: Hollywood Town Hall sounds like the Everly Brothers backed by the Rolling Stones during their ”Dead Flowers” era, with Neil Young sitting in for an occasional vibrato-drenched solo. Yet the Minneapolis-based ‘Hawks wear their hearts proudly. There’s nothing nostalgic about the passion and desperation in every syllable of singer-songwriter Mark Olson’s voice — or in the band’s effortless mix of sawdust harmonies and craggy electric guitars. A
– Entertainment Weekly

Hollywood Town Hall at Spotify:

It was one of the more unlikely major label releases of 1992 — nothing to do with grunge, certainly not a last holdout from ’80s mainstream sludge. On the flip side, it wasn’t really the incipient alternative country/No Depression sound either, for all that there was a clear influence from the likes of Gram Parsons and fellow travelers throughout the grooves. This wasn’t a sepia-toned collection of murder ballads or the similarly minded efforts that were almost overreactions to Nashville’s triumphalism throughout the ’90s. At base, Hollywood Town Hall found a finely balanced point — accessible enough for should-have-been success (sclerotic classic rock station programmers were fools to ignore this while still playing the Eagles into the ground) but bowing to no trends.
Ned Ragget (Allmusic) 4.5/5

– Hallgeir

Video of the day: Wish I were blind by Bruce Springsteen

wish copy

Great song, seldom played.

I love to see the cottonwood blossom
In the early spring
I love to see the message of love
That the bluebird brings
But when I see you walkin’ with him
Down along the strand
I wish I were blind
When I see you with your man

I love to see your hair shining
In the long summer’s light
I love to watch the stars fill the sky
On a summer night
The music plays you take his hand
I watch how you touch him as you start to dance
And I wish I were blind
When I see you with your man

We struggle here but all our love’s in vain
And these eyes that once filled me with your beauty
Now fill me with pain
And the light that once entered here
Is banished from me
And this darkness is all baby that my heart sees

And though the world is filled
With the grace and beauty of God’s hand
Oh I wish I were blind
When I see you with your man

From Human Touch.

Herning, Denmark 2013 05 16, Wish I were blind:

Wonderful performance!

From songmeanings.net:

it’s basically about a guy who’s hung up on a woman he can’t have and it’s taken all of the good out of life. This song’s playing on the same ideas as ‘Man’s Job’. In that song he’s obsessed with a woman who is being taken out by another guy. In both songs he sees them dancing and in both songs all his dreams get brought down. In man’s job he sings ‘all my illusions slip away’. In this song he sings ‘these eyes that once filled me with beauty now fill me with pain’.

Sounds about right, I think!

– Hallgeir

Great Albums: Copper Blue by Sugar

Sometimes an album comes along, an album that you love instantly. It does not happen very often, Copper Blue is one of those instant classics for me.

I love the wall of guitars, the noise, the fantastic melodies, the pop-music sensibillity, the rock’n roll kick to the groin. I just love it!

This is pop music, power-pop at it’s very best.

If I Can’t Change Your Mind:

Continue reading Great Albums: Copper Blue by Sugar