[on songwriting] The song was there before me, before I came along. I just sorta came down and I sorta took it down with a pencil that it was all there before I came around. That’s how I feel about it.
~to Pete Seeger, Broadside Show, WBAI-FM Radio, May 1962Anything I can sing, I call a song. Anything I can’t sing, I call a poem. Anything I can’t sing or anything that’s too long to be a poem, I call a novel.
~Nat Hentoff quoting Dylan, jacket notes Freewheeling Dylan“It’s hard being free in a song – getting it all in. Songs are so confining. Woody Guthrie told me once that songs don’t have to do anything like that. But it’s not true. A song has to have some kind of form to fit into the music. You can bend the words and the meter, but it still has to fit somehow. I’ve been getting freer in the songs I write, but I still feel confined. That’s why I write a lot of poetry – if that’s the word. Poetry can make it’s own form.”
~Nat Hentoff Interview, June 1964“A song is anything that can walk by itself, I am called a songwriter. A poem is a naked person, some people say that I am a poet”.
~Jacket notes Subterranean Homesick Blues
Saturday (April 12 – 2014) I asked the question – What’s your top 5 Bob Dylan songs recorded in the 60’s ? – over at our Facebook page. As of writing 72 people (all Bob Dylan experts) have uttered their opinions.
If you’re not on Facebook, or do not “like” our page.. you can use the comment section to post your 5 favorites.
Some numbers:
- 335 votes
Not everyone came up with 5. Some even tried more than 5 (I only counted max 5 from each person) - 64 songs received votes
- Albums with most votes:
– Highway 61 Revisited: 64 votes
– Blonde On Blonde: 59 votes
– Bringing It All Back Home:3637 votes
– The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan: 35 votes
– John Wesley Harding: 13 votes
Here are the results of the alldylan community jury:
1. Like A Rolling Stone (H61R) | 36 votes |
2. Visions Of Johanna (BoB) | 34 votes |
3. Desolation Row (H61R) | 19 votes |
4. Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands (BoB) | 18 votes |
5. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall (TFBD) | 17 votes |
6. It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) (BiABH) | 16 votes |
6. Mr. Tambourine Man (BiABH) | 16 votes |
7. All Along The Watchtower (JWH) | 11 votes |
7. Ballad Of A Thin Man (H61R) | 11 votes |
9. Just Like Tom Thumb’s blues (H61R) | 9 votes |
9. Positively 4th Street (Single) | 9 votes |
9. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right (TFBD) | 9 votes |
12. Blowin’ In the Wind (TFBD) | 7 votes |
13. I Want You (BoB) | 6 votes |
13. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue (BiABH) | 6 votes |
13. Just Like A Woman (BoB) | 6 votes |
13. Boots Of Spanish Leather (TTTAAC) | 6 votes |
13. Love Minus Zero/No Limit (BiABH) | 6 votes |
18. Masters of War (TFBD) | 5 votes |
18. Chimes Of Freedom (ASOBD) | 5 votes |
18. To Ramona (ASOBD) | 5 votes |
21. My Back Pages (ASOBD) | 4 votes |
21. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (H61R) | 4 votes |
21. Gates Of Eden (BiABH) | 4 votes |
21. One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) (Bob) | 4 votes |
21. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (TTTAAC) | 4 votes |
Songs with 3 votes: Girl From The North Country, Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I Go Mine), She’s Your Lover Now, The Times They Are a-Changin’, As I Went Out One Morning & Song To Woody
8 songs got 2 votes & 24 songs did get 1 vote.
Spotify playlist:
My top 5:
- Visions of Johanna
- Like A Rolling Stone
- Ballad Of A Thin Man
- Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
- It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
Hallgeir’s top 5:
- Like a Rolling Stone
- Ballad of a thin man
- Just like Tom Thumb’s blues
- It’s alright ma (I’m only bleeding)
- Visions of Johanna
Check out:
1) From A Buick 6
2) Visions Of Johanna
3) Highway 61 Revisited
4) Only A Pawn in their game
5) Tell Me Momma
Subterranean homesick blues
Masters of war
All along the watchtower
Blowin in the wind
Boots of Spanish leather
1. Desolation Row 2. It’s All Right, Ma 3.Mr. Tambourine Man 4. Visions Of Johanna 5. Just Like A Woman
1.Like a Rolling Stone
2.Desolation Row
3.Visions of Johanna
4.It’s All Over Now Baby Blue
5.All Along the Watchtower
Lay Down Your Weary Tune…Definitely should be there as well…
1. Visions of Johanna
2. One of Us Must Know
3. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
4. Mr. Tambourine Man
5. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
I guess I could have chosen something other than “Tonight I’ll be Staying Here with You” as my number five—and not ‘wasted’ my vote. But, then, neither Lay Down Your Weary Tune nor I Shall Be Released appear to have registered with anyone, either! (And I agree with Frank Jive: my selection of Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues should have specified the live single version with the Hawks! It ranks for me with the all time captured live dylan perfomances, along with Shelter from the Storm (from Hard Rain) and Dear Mrs. Roosevelt (from the Guthrie Carnegie Hall Tribute).
Fan since ’65.
1. Desolation Row
2. To Ramona
3. Positively 4th Street
4. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues (45 rpm live ver.)
5. When the Ship Comes In
So hard to pick 5. There are so many geat bob dylan songs in the 60’s, so im just going to pick some of my personal favorites, even though they may not be the best.
1. Queen Jane Approximately
2. She Belongs to Me
3. Drifter’s Escape
4. Just Like Tom Thumbs Blues
5. Girl from the North Country
Wow I really wanted to include at least one from Blonde on Blonde, again so hard to pick just 5.
Hard Rain, Girl of the North Country, Like a Rolling Stone, Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right, Mr. Tamborine Man
1, Mr. Tambourine Man
2. Desolation Row
3. Love Minus Zero / No Limit
4. Like a Rolling Stone
5. She Belongs to Me
1 to Ramona
2 visions of Johanna
3 Ballard in plain d
4 Spanish Harlem incident
5 gates of Eden
how bout this
If you were going to a Dylanesque masquerade party. What lyrical character would you dress up as?
i.e. the one eyed undertaker…….
In no particular order: Like a Rolling Stone, Visions of Johanna, All along the Watchtower, A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall, and Gates of Eden. Toughest list yet…
Visions of Johanna
Things Have Changed
Idiot Wind
Cross the Green Mountain
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
1. It’s Alright Ma….I’m Only Bleeding
2. Stuck Inside of Mobile, With The Memphis Blues Again
3. Visions Of Johanna
4. Ballad Of a Thin Man
5. Mr. Tambourine Man
1. Desolation Row
2. Chimes Of Freedom
3. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
4. Mr. Tambourine Man
5. Blowin’ In The Wind
1. I Want You
2. I Threw it all away
3. Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol
4. A Hard Rain’s A-gonna Fall
5. As I went out one morning
People tend to equate the lengthy epics with “best.” These songs deserve praise, of course, but you could argue it’s more useful to think about the “best love (or anti-love!) song” or “best rock and roll song” or “best topical song” ala Biograph.
I don’t think you could argue with the top five or six on the list with being some of Bob’s best songs ever (although where is She’s Your Love Now?!), but the man writes all different *kinds* of songs that, for me at least, are hard to lump together. Thanks for a stimulating site!
Thanks for your feedback AWFF.
I agree.. but is still fun to make these lists, and we will keep it up.
“best love (or anti-love!) song”, “best rock and roll song” & “best topical song” would be cool lists.
Probably at a later stage.. first we need to get the “best/fav” of 60’s / 70’s etc. out of the way
“Angel with Four Faces”: I’d place Angelina in Dylan’s top 5 songs of the 80s! Perhaps, JV would like to host a “Top 5” or “Top 10” Dylan tunes of that decade.
will do… after the 70’s poll coming up tomorrow
Totally agree Steven… Angelina is one of my top 10 all time greatest Dylan tracks, along with Girl from the Red River Shore… keep the faith brother !
1 I’t’s all right Ma (I’m only bleeding)
2 Like a Rolling Stone
3 Desolation Row
4 Ballad of a Thin Man
5 Visions of Johanna
1. Visions of Johanna
2. I Dreamed I Saw St Augustine
3. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It takes a train to Cry
4. Girl From the North Country
5. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
In no particular order:
Don’t Think Twice
Hard Rain’s A’gonna Fall
Desolation Row
Highway 61
Visions of Johanna
Hi Guys… luv what you’re doin’… my top 5 from Bob in the ’60’s are:
On the road again (that wailin’ harp intro just kills me and it rocks)
Just like tom thumbs blues
Visions of Johanna
Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
Desolation Row
Cheers, Roger
Thanks for the love Roger..
And your list.
1) One of Us Must Know 2) It’s Allright Ma 3) Boots of Spanish Leather 4) She’s Your Lover Now 5) It’s All Over Now Baby Blue
It’s so hard to choose:
1) Just Like A Woman
2) Love Minus Zero/No Limit
3) Like A Rolling Stone
4) Mr Tambourine Man
5) It Ain’t Me Babe