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This is the first post with Bob Dylan quotes from the 60’s. The post will be updated many times in the future. There will also, off course, follow posts with quotes from the 70’s, 80’s etc…
UPDATE – other posts:
These quotes are collected from song lyrics & interviews. It’s not only “great” quotes we’ve collected, but also important quotes & funny quotes.
Quotes collected from song lyrics are tried to be kept brief…. it would often be tempting to quote whole songs. Also we’ll try to limit ourselves to max 3 quotes from the same song.
Some songs are sorted under the year they were released (on record), other’s are sorted under the year they were obviously written/recorded.
Please comment/send us input, but we don’t like quotes without a source…

- New York Times said it was the coldest winter in seventeen years
I didn’t feel so cold then
~Talkin’ New York
- Hey, hey, Woody Guthrie, I wrote you a song
’Bout a funny ol’ world that’s a-comin’ along
Seems sick an’ it’s hungry, it’s tired an’ it’s torn
It looks like it’s a-dyin’ an’ it’s hardly been born
~Song to Woody
- Yeah, well, I was with a carnival when I was about thirteen and I used to travel with a carnival – all kinds of shows.
[Where] All around the Midwest. Uh, Gallup, New Mexico, then to Texas, and then… Lived in Gallup, New Mexico and…
~to Billy James, October 1961
- I traveled with the carnival when I was about thirteen years old.
All the way up to I was nineteen. Every year, off and on, I joined different carnivals.
~Oscar Brand Radio Show, 29 October 1961 (aired November 4)
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