[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Bob Dylan scholars have determined that “To Ramona” is a song about Joan Baez; Dylan’s warning her that the folk protest movement will draw her in deep, but he recognizes that she doesn’t necessarily have a problem with that, and much as he loves and wants her, he has to let her think for herself, both for her sake and for his.
-Patrick Robbins (covermesongs.com)
Quite whom the singer is trying to mollify (and/or seduce) remains pure guesswork. One possibility must be Sara Lowndes, who became close to Dylan in the aftermath of his breakup with Suze. She could be said to have “cracked country lips,” being a Delaware girl, and her bronzed skin and dusky features may have suggested Spanish ances- try—and the Mediterranean goddess status the name “Ramona” implies.
– Clinton Heylin (Revolution in the Air: The Songs of Bob Dylan, 1957-1973)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Whoever it might be, it´s a great song.
It´s been performed:
- 137 times acoustic w/ band – top year 2000 (33 times)
- 99 times acoustic – top year – top year 1986 (33 times)
- 1 time as an instrumental – Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – 20 March 1978
- 127 times w/band – top year 1978 (64 times)
First live performance:
- Freebody Park, Newport, Rhode Island – 26 July 1964
Newport Folk Festival.
Last live performance:
- Port Chester, New York, Capitol Theatre – June 14, 2017
Continue reading Bob Dylan: 5 Great live versions of “To Ramona”