June 22: Bob Dylan – Can’t Wait, Milan, Italy 2011 (video)

bob dylan milan june 2011

I can’t wait, wait for you to change your mind
It’s late, I’m trying to walk the line
Well, it’s way past midnight and there are people all around
Some on their way up, some on their way down
The air burns and I’m trying to think straight
And I don’t know how much longer I can wait

Absolutely stunning version!

….next he did an absolutely superb version of ‘Can’t Wait’. Lights were back on and Bob was  walking back and forth across the stage with only the mike and his voice; ‘ I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t wait’, sung with amazing passion. I hope all get to hear the brilliance of this moment.
~David Walker (boblinks.com)

Milan, Italy
22 June 2011

  • Bob Dylan – center stage on harp
  • Tony Garnier – bass
  • George Recile – drums
  • Stu Kimball – rhythm guitar
  • Charlie Sexton – lead guitar
  • Donnie Herron – violin, viola, electric mandolin, pedal steel, lap steel

I’m your man, I’m trying to recover the sweet love that we knew
You understand that my heart can’t go on beating without you
Well, your loveliness has wounded me, I’m reeling from the blow
I wish I knew what it was keeps me loving you so
I’m breathing hard, standing at the gate
But I don’t know how much longer I can wait

Skies are grey, I’m looking for anything that will bring a happy glow
Night or day, it doesn’t matter where I go anymore, I just go
If I ever saw you coming I don’t know what I would do
I’d like to think I could control myself, but it isn’t true
That’s how it is when things disintegrate
And I don’t know how much longer I can wait

I’m doomed to love you, I’ve been rolling through stormy weather
I’m thinking of you and all the places we could roam together

It’s mighty funny, the end of time has just begun
Oh, honey, after all these years you’re still the one
While I’m strolling through the lonely graveyard of my mind
I left my life with you somewhere back there along the line
I thought somehow that I would be spared this fate
But I don’t know how much longer I can wait

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8 thoughts on “June 22: Bob Dylan – Can’t Wait, Milan, Italy 2011 (video)”

  1. I can hear ~ Hard Rain ~ in this . Am I wrong?
    I love the sound of your heart , I love the sounds of you. Bob Dylan has enriched the creative soul of this planet, Bob has moved us to love and meditate on the depths of perception he shares with everyone. Every song he penetrates into the world is a gift for us to love. Who are we, except we are also chanels of the most high A I to say how more or most beautiful is his music?
    Thank you in the spirit of cosmic elation LOVE IS YOU

  2. Boy, what a performance! I wish there was a reel of his best performances throughout the most recent years (2010+), but I guess as with all things that come with Bob, it’s subjective.

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