Category Archives: Bob Dylan books

The DYLANOLOGISTS – a kind of review (part 2)

david kinney - The Dylanologists


First part of this review -> The DYLANOLOGISTS – a kind of review (part 1)

This was the layout for the review:

Click on the mind-maps to make them larger (easier to read)

Dylanologists layout
I finished with “The Collectors” in part 1, now next up is:

5. The Tapers

Continue reading The DYLANOLOGISTS – a kind of review (part 2)

The DYLANOLOGISTS – a kind of review (part 1)

david kinney - The Dylanologists


“The Dylanologists: Adventures in the Land of Bob” by David Kinney is a book I’ve been looking forward to reading for a while.

I’ve never written a review of a book before, but when offered a “review copy” a couple of weeks back I thought: “What the heck.. I’ll do it my way*, if I can get a kindle version (I’m a kindle-a-holic).”

So this is not a standard book review at all, rather a long article on the subject “Dylanologists” inspired by the book. I will refer to the book throughout the article, and pull together my thoughts at the end in the “Summary” section. It is indeed a great book, not only for Dylan fans. It is fun, informative & full of warmth for (most of) it’s characters. Highly recommended for anyone even remotely interested in Bob Dylan. My wife has assured me that she will read it (and she is not even close to being a Dylan fan).

My confession

Continue reading The DYLANOLOGISTS – a kind of review (part 1)