Dylan is the surprise guest, billed as “the man from the Fairmont,” at a benefit concert for SNACK (Students Need Athletic
and Cultural Kicks). Along with three members of the Band, Neil Young, Tim Drummond, and Ben Keith, Dylan stays
on stage for half an hour. He contributes vocals on “Are You Ready for the Country,” “I Want You,” (the slightly rewritten) “Knockin’ on Dragon’s Door,” and “Will the Circle Be Unbroken.” Unfortunately his microphone is turned way down in the mix, and he is barely audible on tapes of the show, even though the whole concert is broadcast on a local radio station. Dylan also provides backing on piano/guitar for the five other songs: “Ain’t That a Lot of Love,” “Lookin’ for a Love,” “Loving You Is Sweeter than Ever,” “The Weight,” and “Helpless.” Sara Dylan accompanies him to the show. After the concert, Dylan (and presumably Sara) dine at the home of Francis Ford Coppola, along with Bill Graham and Marlon Brando.
~Clinton Heylin (Bob Dylan: A Life in Stolen Moments Day by Day 1941-1995
Kezar Stadium
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, California
23 March 1975
S.N.A.C.K. Benefit
- Bob Dylan (piano, guitar, harmonica)
- Neil Young (piano, guitar
- Ben Keith (pedal steel guitar)
- Tim Drummond (guitar),
- Garth Hudson (keyboards)
- Rick Danko (bass)
- Levon Helm (drums)
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