Barbecues are the epitome of summer and it’s nice to spice these shindigs up with unique barbecue ideas every once in a while! Of course any barbecue is great. They have all the best parts I could think of: friends, family, drinks, food, relaxation and fun! But it’s even better if you do a Bob Dylan themed barbeque! Here are some suggestions. If you do this and send us pictures we promise to post them on alldylan.
We have to have music and this is my suggestions. I’ve chosen some summer songs, some food and drink songs and some songs I just think would be nice to hear on a Bob Dylan BBQ.
BOB: Now, look, someone is coming up the road, boys.
(knock, knock)
MAVIS STAPLES: Hey, hey! Hey there, Bobby!
BOB: Hey, it’s Mavis Staples!
MAVIS; Hey fellows! What’s Up? Aw, it’s good to see all of you.
My goodness, Bobby you got a nice place here!
BOB: Well, welcome to California, Mavis!
MAVIS: Thank ya much! Whoa, you got a nice view!
BOB: Yeeah, it is. You can sit on this porch,
and look right straight into Ha-wa-ii.
MAVIS: Yeah, I was over in them foothills.
BOB: (perplexed) Why?
MAVIS: I was looking for me some fuel. I’m kind of hungry now.
Don’t you got anything to eat?
BOB: Well I’m sure we do. Momma, we have anything to eat?
WOMAN’S VOICE: Sure, we got plenty of chicken out there in the yard.
BOB: Well we’re gonna go knock a few of ’em off and fry ’em up.
BOB: Well, Mavis, I’ve had the blues.
MAVIS: Aw Bobby, don’t tell me you got the blues!
BOB: Uh hum I’ve been up all night laying in bed, had insomnia, reading Snoozeweek.
MAVIS: Oh, Snoozeweek! That ain’t gonna get rid of no blues.
BOB: Umh umh
MAVIS: We gotta do some singing, let’s do some singing
BOB: Aw … yeah, let’s do that.
MAVIS: Sing about it, you know.