Tag Archives: Winston Watson

March 11: Bob Dylan @ Palác kultury, Prague, Czech Republic 1995

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Dylan opens the year with one of the most remarkable performances of the “Never Ending tour,” despite still visible suffering the after effects of the bug (at several points he sits on the drum rise, scrunched up in some discomfort)… the shock of the evening is not in his song selection.. but the fact that he performs almost the entire show without a guitar.. harmonica in hand, making strange shadow-boxing movements, cupping the harmonica to his mouth on nearly every song, blowing his sweetest harp breaks in years.
~Clinton Heylin (Bob Dylan: A Life in Stolen Moments Day by Day 1941-1995)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Concert # 641 of The Never-Ending Tour. First concert of the 1995 European Spring Tour. First concert in 1995.

Kongresový sál
Palác kultury
Prague, Czech Republic
11 March 1995

  • Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
  • Bucky Baxter (pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)
  • John Jackson (guitar)
  • Tony Garnier (bass)
  • Winston Watson (drums & percussion)


  1. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood)
  2. If Not For You
  3. All Along The Watchtower

    Continue reading March 11: Bob Dylan @ Palác kultury, Prague, Czech Republic 1995

June 29: Bob Dylan – Hyde Park, London, England 1996 (Videos)

bob dylan hyde park 1996

Hyde Park
London, England
29 June 1996
MasterCard Masters of Music Concert for The Prince’s Trust


  • Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
  • Bucky Baxter (pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)
  • John Jackson (guitar)
  • Tony Garnier (bass)
  • Winston Watson (drums & percussion)
  • Al Kooper (organ)
  • Ron Wood (electric guitar)

Continue reading June 29: Bob Dylan – Hyde Park, London, England 1996 (Videos)

Bob Dylan’s best songs – Lenny Bruce – #148

Lenny Bruce 2

 Maybe he had some problems, maybe some things that he couldn’t work out
But he sure was funny and he sure told the truth and he knew what he was talkin’ about
~Bob Dylan (From the lyrics of “Lenny Bruce”)

Here’s a song I wrote a while back about a guy who died pretty miserably  actually. I figured I didn’t write this song, nobody would so, somebody had to write it. There’s a great American playwright named Tennessee Williams. He said, “I’m not looking for your pity, I just want your understanding. No, not even that, but just your recognition of me and you and time, the enemy in us all.” Anyway, he died pretty miserably too. So this is a man who got no recognition really during his lifetime. But he laid down a lot of road for a lot of people to walk on. People still walking on that road, making lots of money, living in fine houses. Have plenty of women and eating good food. And he didn’t have none of them things.
~Bob Dylan (before “Lenny Bruce”  @ Nippon Budokan Hall – Tokyo, Japan – 10 March 1986)

@ #148 on my list of Dylan’s 200 best songs. A song about the great stand-up comedian Lenny Bruce.

shot of love


The original version from “Shot Of Love” is a very good song.. but there are many live versions that are superior…

Here is a great example:

Live @ Kooyong Stadium – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – Feb 1986

Musicians playing on this video:

  • Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
  • Tom Petty (guitar)
  • Mike Campbell (guitar)
  • Benmont Tench (keyboards)
  • Howie Epstein (bass)
  • Stan Lynch (drums)

  • The Queens Of Rhythm:
  • Debra Byrd
  • Queen Esther Marrow
  • Madelyn Quebec
  • Elisecia Wright (backing vocals)

bob-dylan 1986 live

Continue reading Bob Dylan’s best songs – Lenny Bruce – #148