Tag Archives: Jackson Browne

Jackson Browne Sings Bob Dylan – Happy Birthday Jackson Browne

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Bob [Dylan] was on 60 Minutes a few years ago and he said that there was a time in his life when he was ‘doing magic’, like something was passing through him and he said ‘I could do it then but I can’t do it now, It’s a courageous, brilliant and generous of him to say that and why should you have to do it again. It doesn’t have to be done twice for me. But he could be speaking for everyone when he says, ‘you can do it once, you don’t have to do it again’.
-Jackson Browne (to Ben Walsh (Independent) – November 2015)

Clyde Jackson Browne (born October 9, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and musician who has sold over 18 million albums in the United States. Coming to prominence in the 1970s, Browne has written and recorded songs such as “These Days“, “The Pretender“, “Running on Empty“, “Lawyers in Love“, “Doctor My Eyes“, “Take It Easy“, “For a Rocker“, and “Somebody’s Baby“. In 2004, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio, and given an honorary doctorate of music by Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. In 2015, Rolling Stone ranked him as 37th in its list of the “100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time“.

Continue reading Jackson Browne Sings Bob Dylan – Happy Birthday Jackson Browne

October 9: Jackson Browne was born in 1948 Happy birthday


Clyde Jackson Browne (born October 9, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and musician who has sold over 17 million albums in the United States alone.Coming to prominence in the 1970s, Browne has written and recorded several notable songs throughout his career including “These Days”, “The Pretender”, “Running On Empty”, “Lawyers in Love”, “Doctor My Eyes”, “Take It Easy”, “For a Rocker”, and “Somebody’s Baby”. In 2004, he was both inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio, and bestowed an Honorary Doctorate of Music by Occidental College in Los Angeles, California.

I’ve listened to Jackson Browne for about 30 years, I have a friend who has  a couple of older siblings who introduced him to this incredible songwriter/singer, I got it from my friend. I am eternally grateful.

allmusic says:

In many ways, Jackson Browne was the quintessential sensitive Californian singer/songwriter of the early ’70s. Only Joni Mitchell and James Taylor ranked alongside him in terms of influence, but neither artist tapped into the post-’60s Zeitgeist like Browne.

He is a true music enthusist and he has produced albums by The Eagles, J.D. Souther and Warren Zevon and more. When he was inducted into The Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame, Bruce Springsteen said that even if The Eagles was allready in the hall of fame: “You wrote the songs they wished they had written”. Bruce says all the good things that I would like to say about Jackson Browne, take ten minutes and listen to this very fine speech:

Here are my ten favourite Jackson Browne songs:

Continue reading October 9: Jackson Browne was born in 1948 Happy birthday

Alldylan reporting from Bergenfest 2015 – Day 2

John Grant bergenfest 2015-5

John Grant, Bergenfest 2015

The best concert at Bergenfest this year. I should say; so far, but I cannot imagine anyone topping this fantastic concert. We’ve seen John Grant three times in Bergen, and his audience keeps growing. It is well deserved, he’s an artist of global format. And when I say artist I mean that in the truest sense of the word. His lyrics are deep, personal and profound. His melodies are exceptional.  A joy from beginning to end, we ravelled in melancholia and we danced. He is funny and he is sad, and he is brilliant! (Hallgeir)

An artist penetrating your mind with hard & beautiful poems. He’s real, he’s honest, he’s scary, he makes us think, wonder, understand & dream. What more to say?

Baby, you’re where dreams go to die.
I regret the day your lovely carcass caught my eye.
Baby, you’re where dreams go to die.
I’ve got to get away. I don’t want to, but I have to try.
Oh, baby!

John Grant bergenfest 2015-6

Where Dreams Go To Die (Strongroom Session):

“Let’s make certain that we don’t get into too good a mood, here are some more depressing songs” 

John Grant bergenfest 2015-3

Continue reading Alldylan reporting from Bergenfest 2015 – Day 2

Video of the day: Hotel California LA from the Byrds to the Eagles BBC documentary


First broadcast on 27 May 2007
Produced and Directed by Chris Wilson

The music and mythology of a golden era in the culture of California is explored in this feature-length documentary.

At the start of the 1960s Los Angeles was a kooky backwater, barely visible on the musical map. By the end of the 1970s it was the artistic and industrial hub of the American music industry. This film explores how the socially-conscious folk rock of young hippies with acoustic guitars was transformed into the coked-out stadium excesses of the late 70s, and the biggest-selling album of all time.


Alongside never before seen archive footage, the programme features first-hand accounts of the key figures including musicians, David Crosby, Graham Nash, JD Souther, Bernie Leadon, Bonnie Raitt, Andrew Gold, Mark Volman and Van Dyke Parks, and music industry bosses, David Geffen, Jac Holzman, Ron Stone and Peter Asher, and legendary LA scenesters including Henry Diltz, Pamela Des Barres and Ned Doheny.

Set amongst the sun-dappled porches of Laurel Canyon and perched above LA’s iconic Sunset Strip, this is an epic tale of drugs, genius and greed – all set to a terrific soundtrack.

This fascinating documentary from BBC4, Hotel California: LA from The Byrds to The Eagles charts the evolution of the Southern California/Laurel Canyon rock scene of the sixties thru the seventies. … but it is also the sad story of the transformation into a corporate and money-driven scene in a relatively brief period of time.The film is very blunt in presenting criticisms of the Eagles from a number of different musicians for their approach to music.

David Crosby: “They’re boring, they take no chances, ever!”

It is based on Barney Hoskin’s book of the same name.

Hotel California L.A. from the Byrds to the Eagles BBC documentary:

– Hallgeir

Playlist for April 2014

playlist April 2014
We started a new series in January/February were we presented some of the songs we’ve played during the months that had passed. This is our playlist for April 2014, as usual it has something new and a few golden oldies.

Also check out our previous playlists:

playlist-1_and_2_2014  playlist_march_2014-1

The Album I’ve played most in April 2014  is, Looking Into You – A Tribute to Jackson Browne.

Among all new songs, the new First Aid Kit track, My Silver Lining have been played most.

First Aid Kit – My Silver Lining (acoustic Sessions, Ladygun, 2014):

Continue reading Playlist for April 2014