Tag Archives: Helena Springs

April 27: Bob Dylan 3rd Street-Legal recording session, 27 April 1978

bob dylan street-legal

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]On this album, I took a few steps backward, but I also took a bunch of steps forward because I had a lot of time to concentrate on it. I also had the band sounding like I want it to sound. It’s got that organ sound from ‘Blonde on Blonde’ again. That’s something that has been missing.
~Bob Dylan (to Robert Hilburn – May 1978)

Jonathan Cott interview – Sept. 1978:
Jonathan Cott: What do you think of all the criticisms of Street Legal?
Bob Dylan: I read some of them. In fact, I didn’t understand them. I don’t think these people have had the experiences I’ve had to write those songs. The reviews didn’t strike me as being particularly interesting one way or another, or as compelling to my particular scene. I don’t know who these people are. They don’t travel in the same crowd, anyway. So it would be like me criticizing Pancho Villa.[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

bob dylan street legal2

First of all… “Street-Legal” is a fantastic album. I have never “understood” all the criticism it got.. and still gets, and I even dig the original overall sound & production.

The first & second recording session (April 25 & 26) did not produce much (probably only a master of “We Better Talk This Over”), but on this  sessions we (probably) got 4 masters: No Time To Think, Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat), True Love Tends To Forget & Changing Of The Guards.

Continue reading April 27: Bob Dylan 3rd Street-Legal recording session, 27 April 1978

October 20: Bob Dylan @ Richfield Coliseum, Ohio in 1978

bob dylan 1978 ohio

If anyone is in doubt about Dylan’s 78-concerts… check out this one!

Great stuff!..

Richfield Coliseum
Richfield, Ohio
20 October 1978

  1. My Back Pages
  2. I’m Ready (Willie Dixon)
  3. Mr. Tambourine Man
  4. Shelter From The Storm
  5. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
  6. Tangled Up In Blue
    All right, this is a ballad I wrote a few years back, concerning three people who were in love with each other, all the time.
  7. Ballad Of A Thin Man
    This is a song I’ve been singing for quite some time. Funny how it means more to me now than it did when I wrote it.
  8. Maggie’s Farm
  9. I Don’t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
  10. Like A Rolling Stone
  11. I Shall Be Released
  12. Going, Going, Gone
  13. The Times They Are A-Changin’
  14. It Ain’t Me, Babe
  15. One More Cup Of Coffee (Valley Below)
  16. Blowin’ In The Wind
  17. Girl From The North Country
  18. Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)
  19. Masters Of War
  20. Just Like A Woman
  21. Simple Twist Of Fate
  22. All Along The Watchtower
  23. All I Really Want To Do
  24. It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
  25. Forever Young
  26. Changing Of The Guards


  • Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
  • Billy Cross (lead guitar)
  • Alan Pasqua (keyboards)
  • Steven Soles (rhythm guitar, backup vocals)
  • David Mansfield (violin & mandolin)
  • Steve Douglas (horns)
  • Jerry Scheff (bass)
  • Bobbye Hall (percussion)
  • Ian Wallace (drums)
  • Helena Springs, Jo Ann Harris, Carolyn Dennis (background vocals)

front inside

back inside

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Check out:


Bob Dylan: Unreleased Gem – I Must Love You Too Much (2 live versions)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color=”mulled_wine” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left”]Well, my mama said the girl’s puttin’ you down
She’s gonna ruin my life
I must have loved you too much
(Must of loved you too much)
I must have loved you too much
(Must of loved you too much)

You like someone and then you don’t want to like them any more because you’re afraid to admit to yourself that you like them so much.
– Dylan, to Jonathan Cott, September 1978[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

This song (co-written with Helena Springs and Greg Lake) was never tried out in the studio, and only played twice in concert (sound checked 4 times).

Here are the only two live versions performed:

Continue reading Bob Dylan: Unreleased Gem – I Must Love You Too Much (2 live versions)

Bob Dylan: Coming From The Heart (2 studio versions & the only live version he has performed)

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One of Dylan’s best love songs, co-written with backing singer Helena Springs. It was performed only once, at a concert in October 1978. It would be left to the Searchers to put it in the public domain.
-Clinton Heylin (The gems that Bob Dylan discarded – The Telegraph)



Written by Bob Dylan & Helena Springs

Rundown Studios
Santa Monica, California
April 10, 1978
Rehearsals for the European Tour

Continue reading Bob Dylan: Coming From The Heart (2 studio versions & the only live version he has performed)

May 3: Bob Dylan 4th Slow Train Coming Recording Session, 1979

Bob Dylan slow train


Today I’m accused of being a follower of religion. But I’ve always been a follower! My thoughts, my personal needs have always been expressed through my songs; you can feel them there even in ‘Mr Tambourine Man’. When I write a song, when I make a record, I don’t think about whether it’ll sell millions of copies. I only think about making it, the musical end-product, the sound, and the rhythmic effect of the words. It’s purely a technical piece of work because the most important thing is to come out with something that’s perfect artistically. Even Charlie Chaplin used to say that and I respect him for that judgment.
~Bob Dylan (to Sandra Jones – June 1981)

And it’s this dishonesty, this unhelpful concealment of the soul when we most needed to know what was going [on] inside the man, which hurts the hardest… …. His handling of matters spiritual is bad enough, but when he applies himself to more worldly topics he’s frighteningly inflammatory and positively dangerous..
~Chris Bohn (review – Slow Train Coming, Melody Maker – 26 Aug. 1979)

On the 4th recording session we got 2 new master versions… one of them “Slow Train” is i fact the best song from the album. The other is also among the best: “I Believe in You“.

Continue reading May 3: Bob Dylan 4th Slow Train Coming Recording Session, 1979