Tag Archives: list

Feb 01: Jason Isbell was born in 1979

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“I remember early on listening — I mean, when I was 10, 11, 12 years old — listening to guitar-based records or records that were instrumentally showing off, and thinking, ‘Man, why aren’t the songs any better? Why are these guys all singing really bad lyrics? I appreciate the guitar playing, but God! I don’t want to have to put up with that. It’d be nice if I could write some really good songs and still play guitar like that.’ “ 

– Jason Isbell (interview with Nashville Scene)

Jason Isbell – Full Performance (Live on KEXP, Sep. 2013):

Continue reading Feb 01: Jason Isbell was born in 1979

Our 15 most popular Bob Dylan posts in 2014


Our 15 most popular Bob Dylan posts in 2014

1. Bob Dylan quotes from the 60s:


This is the first post with Bob Dylan quotes from the 60’s. There will also, off course, follow posts with quotes from the 70’s, 80’s etc…

These quotes are collected from song lyrics & interviews. It’s not only “great” quotes we’ve collected, but also important quotes & funny quotes.
(Read more)

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Best albums of 2014: 9 to 1

best of vinyl

Best Albums of 2014: 9 – 1

AS 2014 draws to a close, it’s time to look back on the last 12 months in music and as tradition goes, this involves the unveiling of our 35 Best Albums Of The Year – as always, it has been a struggle, we have fought and bled and finally agreed on the 35 best records of 2014.  There will be three posts, the excitement will be unbearable and the top 10 will be revealed in a few of days..

What did we get wrong? What did we miss? Well, nothing of course, this is THE list.  No, just kidding, this is our view of the year in music, and as we have said many times before, we only write about the stuff we like and we can not reach everything.

Check out the post on Best albums 2014: 35-20
Check out the post on Best albums 2014: 19-10

Enjoy! …and use the comments to voice your opinions!



9. Drive-by Truckers – English Oceans

This is a good straight rock album and it is a Cooley album (he has six compositions shaping the tone of the album).Cooley also takes lead vocals on Patterson Hood’s lyrics on Til He’s Dead or Rises, a first for Drive-by Truckers after nearly 20 years of playing. The Truckers sounds pissed-off, it’s a powerful album and immediate album (recorded in 13 days).  We can always count on Drive-by Truckers and even if this isn’t their greatest album, it’s damn good and the ninth best album of 2014.

Selected songs: Primer Coat, Grand Canyon, First Air of Autumn

Drive-By Truckers – Full Performance (Live on KEXP),
Song list:
Primer Coat
The Part Of Him
First Air Of Autumn
Pauline Hawkins

Continue reading Best albums of 2014: 9 to 1

The best concerts of 2014: Hallgeir

Robert Plant
Robert Plant Bergenfest Norway 2014 photo:AllDylan

Best concerts of 2014:

1. Robert Plant Bergenfest Norway

Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters were, well, sensational at Bergenfest 2014.

I saw around 60 concerts this year (I may get 2-3 more before the end of the year) and here are my list of the 25 best concerts 2014. Already looking forward to great shows in 2015.


Bob Dylan Kristiansand Norway 2014 photo: AllDylan

2. Bob Dylan in Kristiansand, Norway 12 July 2014


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3. Jonathan Wilson Bergen August 

Those were the top three, here are the 22 next on the list:

Continue reading The best concerts of 2014: Hallgeir

The Seven best music books of 2014

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The Seven best music books of 2014

When I read about music, I need to listen to the music I read about. A good red wine in the glass, or a good cup of coffee and the music playing in the background. The artists catalogue (and bootlegs) should be available to me, so that when I read about a concert or a record, I can listen to that music when I read. It is not always possible, but very often it is.  I need to set the mood.

I don’t look at the year of release when I buy music books, but I do buy interesting new releases.

I’ve plowed through about 30 books about music this year, most of them old books about music history (blues, country or certain albums), these are The Seven Best Music Books of 2014:

1. The Lyrics: Since 1962 by Bob Dylan


Continue reading The Seven best music books of 2014